Chronic prostatitis: treatment, symptoms, and types of.

The diagnosis of "chronic prostatitis" (CP), is given in the presence of smoldering inflammation in the prostate tissue, which lasts for 3 months or more. Under the influence of precipitating factors, remission, periodic exacerbations replaced. The disease occurs in one out of five men. 30% of the patients with the illness between the ages of 20 and 50 years of age. Is completely of chronic prostatitis to cure it is impossible, however, in the majority of cases, it is possible to achieve a stable discharge, and thus subject to the recommendations of the physician (which the physician, who is concerned with the treatment of the prostatitis).

the prostate gland

The types of chronic prostatitis

E-it is a classification, according to which there are several types of chronic prostatitis:

  1. Acute bacterial (on repeat).
  2. Of chronic bacterial.
  3. Chronic aseptic (abacterial) prostatitis, which is divided into 2 subtypes: chronic pelvic pain syndrome, inflammatory or noninflammatory in nature (prostatodynia).
  4. Running an asymptomatic (latent) chronic prostatitis.

The symptoms of chronic prostatitis in males does not always appear in the strict order of the system. of the eye. Their Degree of severity, depending on the characteristics of the system.

Chronic bacterial prostatitis

The bacteria cause an inflammation of the prostate gland in 6-10% of cases. Bacterial chronic prostatitis the form of the usual causes of non-specific infection (Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, hemolytic Streptococcus), prostate gland, pierces the other of the organs of the external or ambient environment. The inflammation causes a range of bacteria that are evolving slowly erased, with the symptoms of both chronic infectious prostatitis is often acute, when it was running. Sometimes, there is inflammation of the joint that are manifest by a very itchy, burning feeling and even pain in the urethra, disruption of the urination. The active development of the infection evidenced by the pain in my stomach in the heat. It is the first character that started the defeat of the pelvic to the other organs. The formation of abscesses.

For the reasons

Non-specific infections of the penis the prostate gland is usually due to the damage of the mucous membranes of the genital area, inflammation, injury, foreign material, instrumental urological procedures. The surface of the perineum to the skin of The is always is a certain amount of intestinal bacteria, hence the importance of hygiene before sex. If it is in the area of the anus, in the groin, the testicles, so any excess moisture in the irritation of the disease, they began to penetrate through the thickness of the epidermis. Non-specific causes of sickness, chronic is classified prostatitis the tissue of the prostate into the urethra during oral sex, because the throat is often found Streptococcus, and some gram-negative bacteria. Often a source of pride, not an infection from the hands of the men. The majority of men with chronic bacterial prostatitis, belong to the age group of 20 to 40 years of age, because that is the period of time for the activity is the culmination of the sex. Ignoring the barriers to birth control leads to frequent infections, specific pathogens, inflammation of the prostate gland. The most dangerous among them are as follows:

  • Mycoplasma;
  • Ureaplasma;
  • Trichomonas;
  • Chlamydia.

Erectile dysfunction, on the basis of chronic bacterial prostatitis often leads, not to the sexual neurosis, in consequence of which the person becomes irritable, aggressive.

The treatment of

Modern methods of treatment of bacterial prostatitis include antibiotics active against detected during the diagnosis of the pathogen. As a subsidiary means a prescribed antispasmodics by analgesics a class of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, diuretics. Anti-bacterial first-line drugs, so that the second-line of antibiotic – macrolides. The scheme of The will, you can include the sulfonamides. A quick cure for your chronic prostatitis is impossible. Depending on the nature of the inflammation of therapy is from 2 to 12 weeks. If the time limit is 2 weeks, the positive dynamics is absent, then the drug changes. The unsatisfactory result of the iz and antibiotic treatments in chronic prostatitis due to the following reasons:

  • The short course;
  • The low concentration of the active substance;
  • The training in the lead the Lumina in the acini of the prostate (protruding pouches that make up the glandular tissue of the prostate gland) colonies of bacteria-resistant.

The level to which it was presented not only orally, but also to intraprostatically into the endolymphatic (the syringe in the loading or of the lymph nodes).

Fungal prostatitis

Fungal (mycotic) prostatitis is a specific subtype of the chronic form of the disease. The fungus enters the unprotected sexual contact as the limfatica to other organs. The tissues of the Symptoms of a prostate gland is often wet, so the inflammation passes into the chronic form. In a normal immune system, fungal colonies reproduce no more than the safe limit. The risk for developing candidal prostatitis elevated in the diabetics, the people with a positive HIV status, as well as those who, because of the system of the sufferers of the disease.

Abacterial prostatitis

Chronic pelvic pain, which the coccyx the perineum is the sign of a abacterial prostatitis (the prevalence is 80-90%, including prostatodynia 20 to 30%). The other event is not for smes to be at all. In the diagnosis of pathogenic micro-organisms, which is not found in the juice of the prostate gland the urine, or the or of in the ejaculate. Types of the nature of the pelvic pain in these biological fluids and increases the white blood cell count. In addition to joint pain, chronic abacterial prostatitis may occasionally show symptoms such as the blood, ejaculate, discomfort during ejaculation in bowel movements, problems with urination. Some of the males have a highly reduced sex drive, erectile worsen the function of the General weakness of the muscle pain.

The causes of the treatment

The likely cause of the chronic non-bacterial prostatitis:

  1. The system of the disease.
  2. For vascular pathology, fisheries, and transportation.
  3. Auto-immune diseases.
  4. A peaceful process.

The exact reason for the development of chronic non-communicable (non-specific) prostatitis is not always possible to identify why is a medical treatment which is frequently unsuccessful. For drainage of purulent the prostate gland is the catheterization of the bladder. With the ineffectiveness of drug treatment, surgical in the form of a fine-needle of laser-ablation transurethral of the prostate (minimally invasive destruction of overgrown tissue).

Chronic calculous prostatitis

Chronic calculous as well as abacterial prostatitis. The stones of (the convenience) in the prostate, which is caused due to stagnation of the secretions. Consists of products, types of reactions, salts, and necrotic mass. Commonly develop Pathology in the background of the congestive (congestive) address the problem of chronic prostatitis, urolithiasis (stones, iz and migrate the kidneys into the bladder), disorders of the metabolism, adenoma.

The signs of chronic prostatitis with calcification:

  1. The violation of urination.
  2. The pain is in the groin, tailbone.
  3. Blood in the semen.
  4. The deterioration of an erection.

Dissolution Of stones in the prostate gland are to provide a special use in the production of the rectal massage. If the conservative methods do not work, then resort to surgery. The activated form of chronic calculous prostatitis can be the result not of an abscess of the gland or to the atrophy of the organ.

Asymptomatic prostatitis

When latent chronic prostatitis no sign of the missing. The only thing that has to be discovered when the diagnosis is leukocytosis of prostate secretion in is likely to increase the DOG's level. Asymptomatic prostatitis in error routine is detected during the inspection or at the time of treatment for the second time.

The effects of chronic prostatitis

Itself chronic prostatitis the male of life, it is not dangerous. The dangerous consequences may be if a period of time to seek a doctor's help. The complications that often develop in younger patients. In chronic prostatitis, the protective function of the medulla is disrupted, reducing the amount of zinc, lysozyme required for normal operation. As a result, the organ becomes a source of permanent infection. Pathogens frequently migrate into the testicles, the rectum, ban that caused by epididymitis, abscess. When you are moving in the infection by increasing the ways you can develop pyelonephritis, renal failure. Because the prostate gland is actively involved in the ejaculate creation which is a constant inflammation of the can cause is not for infertility. Can a woman Often does not get pregnant, not because of the poor quality of your partner's sperm in the event of the failure of the seed. Trying to conceive naturally for a long period of time (you can read more about the impact of the prostatitis of the child). A serious complication is scarring of the wall of the bladder, prostate, urethra. The long-term an inflammatory transformation of the fabric, by a frown, it becomes non-functional. The likelihood of the development of the Also hyperplasia benign prostate (BPH), which can be the process to catalyze the cancer.

The diagnosis of chronic prostatitis

At the consultation, the doctor explains in detail the history of the patient, it is important that they all describe the disruption of the intimate life. The volume of complaints in men with chronic prostatitis can be a widespread from of sexual dysfunction to anxiety. [Spirits of trades] of the patients is not half the notes of any symptoms, an abnormality that has been found, by the way. The importance of history. The typical components of a variety of kinds of chronic prostatitis: an infectious bacterial or gonorrheal urethritis noninfectious diseases (hemorrhoids, varicocele, varicose find to find the lost to the feet. Of paramount importance in the diagnosis of chronic prostatitis, as palpation of the gland, in the analysis of your mystery (you can read more about the sowing prostate secretion). During the exacerbation of the prostate the size of a slightly increase in the period of remission, it comes back to normal, just a slight swelling. The secret is obtained by rectal massage of the prostate gland. Inflammatory If there is a process that is central in nature, which is the consistency of the uneven alternating sections on Zapadni, vitolini, razmagcheniu. In such cases, the prostatic supplied by a separate sap for each and every part of it. The elimination of the Change, which is indicators of chronic prostatitis:

  • The shift in acidity to alkalinity;
  • Increased lysozyme activity);
  • The reduction of the acid phosphatase.

The high informativity of the different fluorescent-Cytology iz prostatic juice, as well as their own test of the crystallization. In healthy men, the juice of kristallizuetsya in the form of a fern leaf. The violation of the geometry of the figure to preach, endocrine disruption, for which there is a lack of androgens. In some cases, the diagnosis of an infectious chronic prostatitis used treat provocation – the patient is dedicated to consume spicy food or alcohol, which are available in the aktiviziruyutsya the causative factors of gonorrhea in Trichomonas. A slow inflammatory process which manifests with the introduction of pyrogenal, or prednisolone. During the laboratory studies, it is considered that this is the most informative test is called the trehstakannoy sample. The patient urinates first into one glass, then another, then a massage of the prostate gland. Remaining in the bladder the urine is collected in a third of a Cup. She, along with the ejaculation may be subject to bacteriological research. Also, the Number of required tests, iz, take a swab of the urethra taken into account for the presence of a sexually transmitted disease. There isn't any conditional pathogens that have grown up in a culture will be considered as the media to address the problem of chronic prostatitis. In the microbiocenosis of their presence is a normal varianta. A significant growth they have undergone a test (concentration). If that ratio is greater than 10 in 4 degrees will be considered diagnostically relevant. Otherwise, the patient is honored, the dynamic observation of the treatment. The method is an Informative diagnosis of a CONSCIENCE, or a transabdominal ultrasound is the main. The sonographic sign, and the duration may be determined by the severity of the inflammation. The main exeprince with chronic prostatitis:

  • The volume of the chest is increased by about 20 cm3 or greater;
  • Sclerotic in the fibrous transformation of the tissues;
  • Stones;
  • Swelling.

The urine flow rate in the presence of the obstructive changes in the ureter allows you to keep track of uroflowmetry. For the differentiation of chronic prostatitis from cancer, the hyperplasia of the prostate, where it is necessary to perform a biopsy of the prostate gland. The PSA levels in chronic prostatitis in remission is a normal, or slightly elevated. In the background of an active inflammatory process, may be increased to 8 to 10 ng/ml. The diagnosis of non-bacterial chronic prostatitis is more complicated. To perform a variety of tests to the exclusion of the bacterial forms of infection, abnormalities of other pelvic organs. Microscopy of the urine in the ejaculate is honored and the excess levels in the blood, but ultrasound, cystoscopy, CT scan of the comorbidities have been identified.

In general, the methods of treatment of chronic prostatitis

In addition to the special treatment of a variety of kinds of chronic prostatitis, there are some of the common uses of [spirits of the craft] types of inflammatory conditions. An effective way to get the healing effect on a prostate massage. It also has a direct effect on the prostate tissue, improving the blood circulation of the lymph flow to remove the products of the inflammatory reaction. During the exacerbation of the prostate massage is not carried out.